Resort Spa
Vana - Retreat center in Dehradun, Uttarakhand,
Vana is fortunate to be in India where wisdom, wellness, nutrition and food are seen interdependently.
Its wellness offering, therefore, is based on Ayurveda, Yoga and Sowa Rigpa.
Ayurveda exists confidently and authentically at Vana, Yoga manifests in its true nature, as a practice and philosophy, indifferent to how it is understood outside India, and Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine) is found unlike anywhere else.
Even a modest study of the wisdom traditions born here reveal their foundation in intimate connections: the body affects mind, food is sacred, harsh physical penance is not a pre-requisite for wellbeing, and so on. The uniqueness of each individual and therefore the approach prescribed is fundamental in the traditional medicine systems of India, Tibet and China. This makes their understanding of wellbeing contradict the reductionist method of conventional modern medicine.
Vanavasis usually find tangible and measurable improvement not only in their physical health at Vana but also in their overall wellbeing.
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